Matches in Ruben’s data for { <> ?p ?o }
Showing triples 1 to 75 of
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- publication author sam_coppens.
- publication author rik_van_de_walle.
- publication author laurens_de_vocht.
- publication author erik_mannens.
- publication author miel_vander_sande.
- publication author me.
- publication creator sam_coppens.
- publication creator rik_van_de_walle.
- publication creator laurens_de_vocht.
- publication creator erik_mannens.
- publication creator miel_vander_sande.
- publication creator me.
- publication about DBpedia.
- publication about Linked_Data.
- publication about World_Wide_Web.
- publication author sam_coppens.
- publication author rik_van_de_walle.
- publication author laurens_de_vocht.
- publication author erik_mannens.
- publication author miel_vander_sande.
- publication author me.
- publication coparticipatesWith sam_coppens.
- publication coparticipatesWith rik_van_de_walle.
- publication coparticipatesWith laurens_de_vocht.
- publication coparticipatesWith erik_mannens.
- publication coparticipatesWith miel_vander_sande.
- publication coparticipatesWith me.
- publication type PublicationVolume.
- publication type ScholarlyArticle.
- publication type Article.
- publication type Document.
- publication type Document.
- publication type Document.
- publication type Q386724.
- publication type CreativeWork.
- publication type Work.
- publication P50 sam_coppens.
- publication P50 rik_van_de_walle.
- publication P50 laurens_de_vocht.
- publication P50 erik_mannens.
- publication P50 miel_vander_sande.
- publication P50 me.
- publication maker sam_coppens.
- publication maker rik_van_de_walle.
- publication maker laurens_de_vocht.
- publication maker erik_mannens.
- publication maker miel_vander_sande.
- publication maker me.
- publication title "Discovering Meaningful Connections between Resources in the Web of Data".
- publication isPartOf proceedings_of_the_6th_workshop_on_linked_data_on_the_web.
- publication name "Discovering Meaningful Connections between Resources in the Web of Data".
- publication label "Discovering Meaningful Connections between Resources in the Web of Data".
- publication name "Discovering Meaningful Connections between Resources in the Web of Data".
- publication topic DBpedia.
- publication topic Linked_Data.
- publication topic World_Wide_Web.
- publication subject DBpedia.
- publication subject Linked_Data.
- publication subject World_Wide_Web.
- publication authorList b0_b3181.
- publication topic DBpedia.
- publication topic Linked_Data.
- publication topic World_Wide_Web.
- publication abstract "We will show that semantically annotated paths lead to discovering meaningful, non-trivial relations and connections between multiple resources in large online datasets such as the Web of Data. Graph algorithms have always been key in pathfinding applications (e.g., navigation systems). They make optimal use of available computation resources to find paths in structured data. Applying these algorithms to Linked Data can facilitate the resolving of complex queries that involve the semantics of the relations between resources. In this paper, we introduce a new approach for finding paths in Linked Data that takes into account the meaning of the connections and also deals with scalability. An efficient technique combining pre-processing and indexing of datasets is used for finding paths between two resources in large datasets within a couple of seconds. To demonstrate our approach, we have implemented a testcase using the DBpedia dataset.".
- publication datePublished "2013".
- publication mainEntityOfPage devocht_ldow_2013.
- publication sameAs publication.
- publication isPrimaryTopicOf devocht_ldow_2013.
- publication page devocht_ldow_2013.
- publication number "996".
- publication volume "996".
- publication locator "996".
- publication volume "996".
- publication position "996".
- publication volumeNumber "996".