Matches in Ruben’s data for { ?s <> ?o }
- title "Ruben Verborgh – Professor of Decentralized Web Technology".
- articles title "Linked Research Articles".
- verborgh_sdsvoc_2016 title "Your JSON is not my JSON – A case for more fine-grained content negotiation".
- fine-grained-content-negotiation title "Your JSON is not my JSON – A case for more fine-grained content negotiation".
- verborgh_iswc_2018 title "Decentralizing the Semantic Web through incentivized collaboration".
- incentivized-collaboration title "Decentralizing the Semantic Web through incentivized collaboration".
- verborgh_ldow_2017 title "Piecing the puzzle – Self-publishing queryable research data on the Web".
- queryable-research-data title "Piecing the puzzle – Self-publishing queryable research data on the Web".
- Barabasi1999 title "Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks".
- FilterBubble title "The Filter Bubble".
- Kosinski2013 title "Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior".
- ReadWriteLinkedData title "The read–write Linked Data Web".
- the-semantic-web title "The Semantic Web".
- SemanticWeb title "The Semantic Web".
- Web1992 title "World‐wide web: the information universe".
- verborgh_timbl_chapter_2022 title "Re-decentralizing the Web, for good this time".
- redecentralizing-the-web title "Re-decentralizing the Web, for good this time".
- halpin2004semantic title "The Semantic Web: The origins of artificial intelligence redux".
- verborgh_swj_2020 title "The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were".
- the-semantic-web-identity-crisis title "The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were".
- verborgh_ic_2018 title "A Web API ecosystem through feature-based reuse".
- web-api-ecosystem title "A Web API ecosystem through feature-based reuse".
- selling-a-story-in-one-minute title "Selling a story in one minute".
- get-doesnt-change-the-world title "GET doesn’t change the world".
- rest-wheres-my-state title "REST, where’s my state?".
- perl-and-the-preikestolen title "Perl and the Preikestolen".
- the-object-resource-impedance-mismatch title "The object-resource impedance mismatch".
- social-media-as-spotlight-on-your-research title "Social media as spotlight on your research".
- everything-is-connected-in-strange-ways title "Everything is connected in strange ways".
- asynchronous-error-handling-in-javascript title "Asynchronous error handling in JavaScript".
- what-web-agents-want title "What Web agents want".
- programming-is-an-art title "Programming is an Art".
- affordances-weave-the-web title "Affordances weave the Web".
- lightning-fast-rdf-in-javascript title "Lightning-fast RDF in JavaScript".
- towards-serendipitous-web-applications title "Towards serendipitous Web applications".
- scientific-posters-are-ineffective title "Scientific posters are ineffective".
- one-hammer-for-a-thousand-nails title "One hammer for a thousand nails".
- using-openrefine-data-are-diamonds title "Using OpenRefine: data are diamonds".
- can-i-sparql-your-endpoint title "Can I SPARQL your endpoint?".
- research-is-teamwork title "Research is teamwork".
- the-lie-of-the-api title "The lie of the API".
- promiscuous-promises title "Promiscuous promises".
- apologies-for-cross-posting title "Apologies for cross-posting".
- my-phd-on-semantic-hypermedia title "My PhD on semantic hypermedia".
- towards-web-scale-web-querying title "Towards Web-scale Web querying".
- www2014-and-25-years-of-web title "WWW2014 and 25 years of Web".
- the-pragmantic-web title "The Pragmantic Web".
- a-hands-on-linked-data-book-for-people title "A hands-on Linked Data book for people".
- reviewers-shouldnt-hide-their-name title "Reviewers shouldn’t hide their name".
- writing-a-sparql-parser-in-javascript title "Writing a SPARQL parser in JavaScript".
- bringing-fast-triples-to-nodejs-with-hdt title "Bringing fast triples to Node.js with HDT".
- the-year-of-the-developers title "The Year of the Developers".
- distinguishing-between-frank-and-nancy title "Distinguishing between Frank and Nancy".
- thank-you-for-your-attention title "Thank you for your attention".
- 600000-queryable-datasets-and-counting title "600,000 queryable datasets—and counting".
- fostering-intelligence-by-enabling-it title "Fostering intelligence by enabling it".
- federated-sparql-queries-in-your-browser title "Federated SPARQL queries in your browser".
- turtles-all-the-way-down title "Turtles all the way down".
- querying-history-with-linked-data title "Querying history with Linked Data".
- use-the-web-instead title "Use the Web instead".
- truth-takes-time title "Truth takes time".
- paradigm-shifts-for-the-decentralized-web title "Paradigm shifts for the decentralized Web".
- designing-a-linked-data-developer-experience title "Designing a Linked Data developer experience".
- shaping-linked-data-apps title "Shaping Linked Data apps".
- a-data-ecosystem-fosters-sustainable-innovation title "A data ecosystem fosters sustainable innovation".
- reflections-of-knowledge title "Reflections of knowledge".
- lets-talk-about-pods title "Let’s talk about pods".
- b0_e_df_1_0_1 title "Ruben’s Blog".
- blog title "Ruben’s Blog".
- contact title "Contact Me".
- empty title ":title:".
- facebook title "Getting my personal data out of Facebook".
- 2019-08-05-regrettable title "Email: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-06-04-complexity title "Email: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-05-02-satisfied title "Email: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-04-01-legalese title "Email: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-02-15-sam title "Email: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-01-14-autoreply title "Email: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-11-16-sar title "Email: Subject Access Request".
- 2019-01-15-javier title "Email: Subject Access Request".
- 2019-01-14-sar title "Email: Subject Access Request".
- 2019-02-14-deadline title "Email: Re: Subject Access Request".
- 2019-01-15-stalling title "Email: Re: Subject Access Request".
- 2019-02-15-dpo title "Email: illegal response to GDPR Subject Access Request".
- 2019-11-16-forgotten title "Email: Re: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-08-14-privacy title "Email: Re: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-06-04-more-data title "Email: Re: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-06-04-issues title "Email: Re: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-05-04-not-satisfied title "Email: Re: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-04-01-joke title "Email: Re: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- 2019-02-15-not-helpful title "Email: Re: Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) #[case-number]".
- verborgh_phd_2014 title "Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".
- phd title "Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".
- affordance title "Affordance – Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".
- conclusion title "Conclusion – Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".
- functionality title "Functionality – Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".
- hypermedia title "Hypermedia – Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".
- introduction title "Introduction – Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".
- preface title "Preface".
- proof title "Proof – Serendipitous Web Applications through Semantic Hypermedia".