Matches in Ruben’s data for { ?s <> ?o }
- description "Ruben Verborgh is a professor of Decentralized Web technology. Read all about his work on his homepage.".
- verborgh_sdsvoc_2016 description "Information resources can be expressed in different representations along many dimensions such as format, language, and time. Through content negotiation, HTTP clients and servers can agree on which representation is most appropriate for a given piece of data…".
- fine-grained-content-negotiation description "Information resources can be expressed in different representations along many dimensions such as format, language, and time. Through content negotiation, HTTP clients and servers can agree on which representation is most appropriate for a given piece of data…".
- verborgh_iswc_2018 description "Personal data is being centralized at an unprecedented scale, and this comes with widely known and far-reaching consequences, considering the recent data scandals with companies such as Equifax and Facebook. Decentralizing personal data storage allows people to take back control of their data, and Semantic Web technologies can facilitate data integration at runtime…".
- incentivized-collaboration description "Personal data is being centralized at an unprecedented scale, and this comes with widely known and far-reaching consequences, considering the recent data scandals with companies such as Equifax and Facebook. Decentralizing personal data storage allows people to take back control of their data, and Semantic Web technologies can facilitate data integration at runtime…".
- verborgh_ldow_2017 description "Publishing research on the Web accompanied by machine-readable data is one of the aims of Linked Research. Merely embedding metadata as RDFa in HTML research articles, however, does not solve the problems of accessing and querying that data…".
- queryable-research-data description "Publishing research on the Web accompanied by machine-readable data is one of the aims of Linked Research. Merely embedding metadata as RDFa in HTML research articles, however, does not solve the problems of accessing and querying that data…".
- verborgh_timbl_chapter_2022 description "Originally designed as a decentralized ecosystem, the Web has undergone a significant centralization in recent years. In order to regain control over our digital self, over the digital aspects of our lives, we need to understand how we arrived at this point and how we can get back on track…".
- redecentralizing-the-web description "Originally designed as a decentralized ecosystem, the Web has undergone a significant centralization in recent years. In order to regain control over our digital self, over the digital aspects of our lives, we need to understand how we arrived at this point and how we can get back on track…".
- verborgh_swj_2020 description "For a domain with a strong focus on unambiguous identifiers and meaning, the Semantic Web research field itself has a surprisingly ill-defined sense of identity. Started at the end of the 1990s at the intersection of databases, logic, and Web, and influenced along the way by all major tech hypes such as Big Data and machine learning, our research community needs to look in the mirror to understand who we really are…".
- the-semantic-web-identity-crisis description "For a domain with a strong focus on unambiguous identifiers and meaning, the Semantic Web research field itself has a surprisingly ill-defined sense of identity. Started at the end of the 1990s at the intersection of databases, logic, and Web, and influenced along the way by all major tech hypes such as Big Data and machine learning, our research community needs to look in the mirror to understand who we really are…".
- verborgh_ic_2018 description "The fast-growing Web API landscape brings clients more options than ever before—in theory. In practice, they cannot easily switch between different providers offering similar functionality…".
- web-api-ecosystem description "The fast-growing Web API landscape brings clients more options than ever before—in theory. In practice, they cannot easily switch between different providers offering similar functionality…".
- selling-a-story-in-one-minute description "TEDxGhent was looking for original videos—and I wanted to get in mine ◆ In my hometown Ghent, an exciting contest took place: PhD students could to send in a one-minute video about their research. Winners get to give a talk at TEDxGhent, a local edition of the famous TED conferences…".
- get-doesnt-change-the-world description "A Mendeley HTTP bug could trick visitors into adding papers unknowingly ◆ Recently, I wanted to offer my visitors the option to add any of my publications to their Mendeley paper library. When creating the “add to Mendeley” links, I noticed that papers got added without asking the visitor for a confirmation…".
- rest-wheres-my-state description "HTTP interactions should be stateless, but two kinds of state are involved ◆ HTTP, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, has been designed under the constraints of the REST architectural style. One of the well-known constraints of this REpresentational State Transfer style is that communication must be stateless…".
- perl-and-the-preikestolen description "During a hackaton in Norway, we enhanced the core RDF classes in Perl ◆ If I wanted to join the Oslo Perl Mongers for an RDF hackaton, Kjetil Kjernsmo asked me two months ago. We had met at the LAPIS workshop in Greece, where he showed me the open source work he had been doing…".
- the-object-resource-impedance-mismatch description "What happens if we model the semantics of HTTP methods in JavaScript? ◆ Most programmers are not familiar with resource-oriented architectures, and this unfamiliarity makes them resort to things they know. This is why we often see URLs that have action names inside of them, while they actually shouldn’t…".
- social-media-as-spotlight-on-your-research description "Twitter and Facebook can play a major part in evangelizing scientific work ◆ As researchers, communication is arguably the most important aspect of our job, but unfortunately not always the most visible. Sometimes, our work is so specific that it seems impossible to share it as a story with the outside world…".
- everything-is-connected-in-strange-ways description "We built an app that visualizes how you relate to anything in this world ◆ What’s the connection between the Eiffel Tower and the Big Ben? How are you related to Mickey Mouse?".
- asynchronous-error-handling-in-javascript description "Dealing with errors can be especially tricky in asynchronous situations ◆ Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, so we better prepare ourselves. The lessons we’ve been taught as programmers to nicely throw and catch exceptions don’t apply anymore in asynchronous environments…".
- what-web-agents-want description "We need to enhance the Web if we like smart agents to do things for us ◆ The iPhone’s Siri has given the world a glimpse of the digital personal assistant of the future. “Siri, when is my wife’s birthday?".
- programming-is-an-art description "Elegant code adopts aesthetics to achieve high maintainability ◆ People who have programmed with me or have seen my open-source work on GitHub know that I put a lot of effort in my coding style. I indeed consider programming a creative act, which necessarily involves aesthetics…".
- affordances-weave-the-web description "The Web is driven by hypertext: our information has become actionable ◆ What makes the Web more fascinating to read than any book? It’s not that the information is more reliable or people have become tired of the smell of paper…".
- lightning-fast-rdf-in-javascript description "Writing a spec-compatible Turtle parser has been an interesting journey ◆ Node.js has spawned a new, asynchronous generation of tools…".
- towards-serendipitous-web-applications description "What if the pages you read always contained the actions you need? ◆ Hyperlinks are the door handles of the Web, as they afford going to the next place you want to be. However, in a space as large as the Web, there is an awful lot of possible next places, so the webpage might not offer the door handle you are looking for…".
- scientific-posters-are-ineffective description "Like the myth of “scientific” English, there’s nothing scientific about posters ◆ Dreaded scientific posters—if you attend conferences, you definitely saw them. They’re boring and ugly…".
- one-hammer-for-a-thousand-nails description "Solution-based problem-solving restricts the result before the start ◆ “When all you have is a hammer, every problem starts to look like a nail” is but one of the many wordings of the infamous Law of the Instrument. Many of us are blinkered by our tools, instantaneously choosing what we know best to solve a problem—even though it might not be the best solution to that problem…".
- using-openrefine-data-are-diamonds description "Our new OpenRefine book makes you get the most out of your data ◆ Data is often dubbed the new gold, but no label can be more wrong. It makes more sense to think about data as diamonds: highly valuable, but before they are of any use, they need intensive polishing…".
- can-i-sparql-your-endpoint description "Perhaps the model in which a server does all the work, doesn’t work ◆ SPARQL, the query language of the Semantic Web, allows clients to retrieve answers to complex questions. It’s a core technology in the Semantic Web Stack, as it enables flexible querying of Linked Data…".
- research-is-teamwork description "No research ever happens in isolation: collaboration drives us all ◆ Research is a rewarding job. You get to work on a cool thing, communicate about it, travel around the world to demonstrate it to others… But most of all, you get the opportunity to work together with highly talented people, in ways that are impossible in industry…".
- the-lie-of-the-api description "When you ask for an API, you will get one, even though you never needed it ◆ Really, nobody takes your website serious anymore if you don’t offer an API. And that’s what everybody did: they got themselves a nice API…".
- promiscuous-promises description "Here’s how a tiny spec-compatible Promise library in JavaScript works ◆ Promises allow to asynchronously return a value from a synchronous function. If the return value is not known when the function exists, you can return a promise that will be fulfilled with that value later on…".
- apologies-for-cross-posting description "Communication habits sometimes achieve the opposite of what we want ◆ Apologizing is a polite and functional act of communication: it helps people to let go any negative sentiments you may have caused. However, communication is only effective when it is actually meant to help others, not to help yourself…".
- my-phd-on-semantic-hypermedia description "By combining semantics and hypermedia, we can create smarter clients ◆ More than three years of research and several hundred pages of text later, I’m finally ready to defend my PhD. Why did I start this whole endeavor again?".
- towards-web-scale-web-querying description "The quest for intelligent clients starts with simple servers that scale ◆ Most public SPARQL endpoints are down for more than a day per month. This makes it impossible to query public datasets reliably, let alone build applications on top of them…".
- www2014-and-25-years-of-web description "At the WWW conference, Web enthusiasts envision the Web’s next 25 years ◆ The yearly World Wide Web conferences are highlights for my research: every time again, the world’s most fascinating people meet to discuss novel ideas. This year’s edition moved to Seoul, and I happily represented Ghent University for the third time, together with my colleagues…".
- the-pragmantic-web description "The Semantic Web tried to solve too much—simple things should work first ◆ Like any technological or scientific community, optimism in the beginning years of the Semantic Web was high. Artificial intelligence researchers in the 1960s believed it would be a matter of years before machines would become better at chess than humans, and that machines would seamlessly translate texts from one language into another…".
- a-hands-on-linked-data-book-for-people description "Our new book gets metadata practitioners started with Linked Data ◆ The Linked Data hype is surrounded by questions, and most of those questions are only answered from the technology perspective. Such answers often insufficiently address the needs of people who just want to publish their data…".
- reviewers-shouldnt-hide-their-name description "Anonymous reviews encourage sloppiness—a name means accountability ◆ Peer review is research’ most powerful instrument. Having your manuscript reviewed by independent researchers in your own field improves the odds that your published work is valid—and valuable…".
- writing-a-sparql-parser-in-javascript description "JavaScript didn’t have a parser for SPARQL 1.1 yet, so I created one ◆ If we want to make the Semantic Web more webby, we need software in the Web’s main language JavaScript. The support for the SemWeb’s data format RDF has been quite good in JavaScript, with several libraries supporting Turtle and JSON-LD…".
- bringing-fast-triples-to-nodejs-with-hdt description "The HDT compressed triple format allows fast datasets—now also in JavaScript ◆ Reading a selection from a large dataset of triples is an important use case for the Semantic Web. But files in textual formats such as Turtle become too slow as soon as they contain a few thousand triples, and triple stores are often too demanding, since they need to support write informations…".
- the-year-of-the-developers description "Let’s appreciate those who eventually build the Semantic Web, line by line ◆ The Semantic Web is plagued by various issues, one rather prominent fact being that few people actually heard about it. If you ask me, it’s because we have been focusing almost exclusively on research lately, which is quite odd…".
- distinguishing-between-frank-and-nancy description "Enriching DBpedia with detected gender information allows for new insights ◆ Ever looked up a person in an encyclopedia without knowing whether it was a man or a woman? And if you did, was it explicitly mentioned in the article?".
- thank-you-for-your-attention description "An audience shouldn’t do you a favor by listening—do them a favor by explaining ◆ Talks at academic conferences seldom feature a high knowledge per minute ratio. Speakers often talk for themselves, unwittingly spawning facts that are not directly useful to their audience…".
- 600000-queryable-datasets-and-counting description "The LOD Laundromat and Triple Pattern Fragments offer scalable Web querying ◆ What good is a Web full of Linked Data if we cannot reliably query it? Whether we like to admit it or not, queryable data is currently the Semantic Web’s Achilles’ heel…".
- fostering-intelligence-by-enabling-it description "Intelligent agents require an environment that allows them to act smart ◆ In a couple of months, 15 years will have passed since Tim Berners-Lee, Jim Hendler, and Ora Lassila wrote the Scientific American article “The Semantic Web”. It’s hard to imagine that, another 15 years before this, the Web didn’t even exist…".
- federated-sparql-queries-in-your-browser description "Querying multiple sources is the Linked Data dream—and it’s happening now ◆ Querying multiple sources reveals the full potential of Linked Data by combining data from heterogeneous origins into a consistent result. However, I have to admit that I had never executed a federated query before…".
- turtles-all-the-way-down description "APIs are more than just data: context and controls also belong in the message ◆ How can we ever talk about intelligent clients if we don’t provide them with opportunities to be intelligent? The current generation of RDF APIs is patronizing its clients by only describing its data in RDF…".
- querying-history-with-linked-data description "Combining Triple Pattern Fragments with Memento to query previous dataset versions in the browser ◆ Data on the World Wide Web changes at the speed of light—today’s facts are tomorrow’s history. This makes the ability to look back important: how do facts grow and change over time?".
- use-the-web-instead description "Native mobile apps lure us away from the Web under false pretenses, and we shouldn’t let them ◆ Few things annoy me more than a random website asking me: “do you want to use the app instead?” Of course I don’t want to—that’s why I use your website…".
- truth-takes-time description "Decentralized technologies can restore information diversity—if we set our expectations right ◆ Newspapers everywhere were quick to blame social media for some of 2016’s more surprising political events. However, filter bubbles, echo chambers, and unsubstiantiated claims are as old as humanity itself, so Facebook and friends have at most acted as amplifiers…".
- paradigm-shifts-for-the-decentralized-web description "As separate markets for data and apps emerge, Web development needs to adopt a new shape ◆ Most Web applications today follow the adage “your data for my services”. They motivate this deal from both a technical perspective (how could we provide services without your data?".
- designing-a-linked-data-developer-experience description "Making decentralized Web app development fun ◆ While the Semantic Web community was fighting its own internal battles, we failed to gain traction with the people who build apps that are actually used: front-end developers. Ironically, Semantic Web enthusiasts have failed to focus on the Web; whereas our technologies are delivering results in specialized back-end systems, the promised intelligent end-user apps are not being created…".
- shaping-linked-data-apps description "Decentralized apps will need a lot of flexibility, which they will gain through data shapes ◆ Ever since Ed Sheeran’s 2017 hit, I just can’t stop thinking about shapes. It’s more than the earworm though: 2017 is the year in which I got deeply involved with Solid, and also when the SHACL recommendation for shapes was published…".
- a-data-ecosystem-fosters-sustainable-innovation description "By equipping people with personal data vaults, we can leverage _more_ data for _better_ services ◆ We’re living in a data-driven economy, and that won’t change anytime soon. Companies, start-ups, organisations, and governments all require some of our data to provide us with the services we want and need…".
- reflections-of-knowledge description "Designing Web APIs for sustainable interactions within decentralized knowledge graph ecosystems ◆ Web services emerged in the late 1990s as a way to access specific pieces of remote functionality, building on the standards-driven stability brought by the universal protocol that HTTP was readily becoming. Interestingly, the Web itself has drastically changed since…".
- lets-talk-about-pods description "A new solution space for apps emerges if we adopt a better model for thinking about Solid ◆ Who decides what your Solid pod looks like? For a long time, the answer has been the first one who writes, decides…".
- amanqui_icwe_2016 description "Biodiversity is essential to life on Earth and motivates many efforts to collect data about species. These data are collected in different places and published in different formats…".
- amanqui_wetice_2016 description "Nowadays, the Web has become one of the main sources of biodiversity information. An increasing number of biodiversity research institutions add new specimens and their related information to their biological collections and make this information available on the Web…".
- arndt_ai4health_2018 description "Modern developments confront us with an ever increasing amount of streaming data: different sensors in environments like hospitals or factories communicate their measurements to other applications. Having this data at disposal faces us with a new challenge: the data needs to be integrated to existing frameworks…".
- arndt_eswc_pn_2015 description "Factories of the future will autonomously deal with the ever increasing amount of available data. Processes will be planned automatically…".
- arndt_jws_2019 description "Since the invention of Notation3 Logic, several years have passed in which the theory has been refined and applied in different reasoning engines like cwm, EYE, and FuXi. But despite these developments, a clear formal definition of Notation3’s semantics is still missing…".
- arndt_owled_2015 description "Semantic Web reasoning can be a complex task: depending on the amount of data and the ontologies involved, traditional OWL DL reasoners can be too slow to face problems in real time. An alternative is to use a rule-based reasoner together with the OWL RL/RDF rules as stated in the specification of the OWL 2 language profiles…".
- arndt_ruleml_2015 description "Since the development of Notation3 Logic, several years have passed in which the theory has been refined and used in practice by different reasoning engines such as cwm, FuXi or EYE. Nevertheless, a clear model-theoretic definition of its semantics is still missing…".
- arndt_ruleml_industry_2015 description "Traditionally, nurse call systems in hospitals are rather simple: patients have a button next to their bed to call a nurse. Which specific nurse is called cannot be controlled, as there is no extra information available…".
- arndt_ruleml_industry_2016 description "In modern factories different machines and devices offering their services such as producing parts or simply providing information become more and more important. The number and diversity of such devices is increasing and the task of combining available resources into workflows becomes a challenge which can hardly be handled by a human user…".
- arndt_rulemlrr_2017 description "The success of the Semantic Web highly depends on its ingredients. If we want to fully realize the vision of a machine-readable Web, it is crucial that Linked Data are actually useful for machines consuming them…".
- baccar_soca_2018 description "Over the last decade, Web services composition has become a thriving area of research and development endeavors for application integration and interoperability. Although Web services composition has been heavily investigated, several issues still need to be addressed…".
- beek_semantics_2017 description "Many data scientists make use of Linked Open Data (LOD) as a huge interconnected knowledge base represented in RDF. However, the distributed nature of the information and the lack of a scalable approach to manage and consume such Big Semantic Data makes it difficult and expensive to conduct large-scale studies…".
- bogaerts_rulemlrr_2021 description "Link Traversal–based Query Processing (LTQP), in which a SPARQL query is evaluated over a web of documents rather than a single dataset, is often seen as a theoretically interesting yet impractical technique. However, in a time where the hypercentralization of data has increasingly come under scrutiny, a decentralized Web of Data with a simple document-based interface is appealing, as it enables data publishers to control their data and access rights…".
- bonte_iswc_2015 description "Intelligent and automatic overlays for video streams know an increasing demand in broadcasting and conference systems. These overlays provide additional information regarding the broadcast or the conference to better engage the end users…".
- bonte_iswc_poster_2020 description "People increasingly rely on multi-modal (car, train, bus, e-bike, etc.) transport…".
- bonte_ore_2015 description "This paper evaluates the performance of the OWL 2 reasoners Pellet and HermiT in an eHealth context where most of the ABox is considered static and discrete transient events describing the environment are incrementally added and processed. The considered use case is the assignment of tasks and calls to nurses…".
- bosch_kwalon_2016 description "Qualitative research is based on an iterative methodology. Is it possible to develop algorithms for handling large amounts of data that are principally based on such iteration?".
- buyle_egose_2016 description "Each government level uses their own different information system. At the same time citizens expect a user-centric approach and instant access to their data or to open government data…".
- buyle_egose_2019 description "Governments typically store large amounts of personal information on their citizens, such as a home address, marital status, and occupation, to offer public services. Because governments consist of various governmental agencies, multiple copies of this data often exist…".
- buyle_iswc_demo_2016 description "Base registries are trusted authentic information sources controlled by an appointed public administration or organization appointed by the government. Maintaining a base registry comes with extra maintenance costs to create the dataset and keep it up to date…".
- capadisli_icwe_2017 description "Decentralising the creation, publication, and annotation of hypertext documents provides authors with a technological guarantee for independence of any publication authority. While the Web was designed as a decentralised environment, individual authors still lack the ability to conveniently author and publish documents, and to engage in social interactions with documents of others in a truly decentralised fashion…".
- chrysakis_dbsec_2021 description "Digital applications typically describe their privacy policy in lengthy and vague documents (called PrPs), but these are rarely read by users, who remain unaware of privacy risks associated with the use of these digital applications. Thus, users need to become more aware of digital applications’ policies and, thus, more content about their choices…".
- chrysakis_eswc_poster_2020 description "Rewarding people is common in several contexts, such as human resource management and crowdsourcing applications. However, designing a reward strategy is not straightforward, as it should consider different parameters…".
- colpaert_cold_2016 description "Calculating a public transit route involves taking into account user preferences: e.g…".
- colpaert_computer_2014 description "Open Governments use the Web as a global dataspace for datasets. It is in the interest of these governments to be interoperable with other governments worldwide, yet there is currently no way to identify relevant datasets to be interoperable with and there is no way to measure the interoperability itself…".
- colpaert_eswc_2014 description "If we want a broad adoption of Linked Data, the barrier to conform to the Linked Data principles need to be as low as possible. One of the Linked Data principles is that URIs should be dereferenceable…".
- colpaert_eswc_demo_2019 description "Route planning providers manually integrate different geo-spatial datasets before offering a Web service to developers, thus creating a closed world view. In contrast, combining open datasets at runtime can provide more information for user-specific route planning needs…".
- colpaert_icwe_2017 description "While some public transit data publishers only provide a data dump – which only few reusers can afford to integrate within their applications – others provide a use case limiting origin-destination route planning API. The Linked Connections framework instead introduces a hypermedia API, over which the extendable base route planning algorithm “Connections Scan Algorithm” can be implemented…".
- colpaert_iet_2017 description "The European Data Portal shows a growing number of governmental organisations opening up transport data. As end users need traffic or transit updates on their day-to-day travels, route planners need access to this government data to make intelligent decisions…".
- colpaert_iswc_2015 description "Ever since public transit agencies have found their way to the Web, they inform travelers using route planning software made available on their website. These travelers also need to be informed about other modes of transport, for which they have to consult other websites, or for which they have to ask the transit agency’s server maintainer to implement new functionalities…".
- colpaert_its_2016 description "The Public Sector Information directive has made Open Data the default within European Public Sector Bodies. End-user multimodal planners need access to government data to make intelligent route planning decisions…".
- colpaert_its_2017 description "Thanks to architectural constraints adopted by its stakeholders, the World Wide Web was able to scale up to its current size. To realize the ITS directive, which stimulates sharing data on large scale between different parties across Europe, a large-scale information system is needed as well…".
- colpaert_usewod_2016 description "In the field of smart cities, researchers need an indication of how people move in and between cities. Yet, getting statistics of travel flows within public transit systems has proven to be troublesome…".
- coppens_cold_2013 description "In this paper, we provide a novel semantic workflow system, based on semantic functional service descriptions and a rule file. The workflow engine follows a three-step process…".
- coppens_ijdl_2015 description "In this article, we present PREMIS OWL. This is a semantic formalisation of the PREMIS 2…".
- coppens_iswc_2012 description "In this paper, we provide a view on the future Web as a Semantic read–write Web. Given a number of prerequisites for enabling a fully read–write Web for machines, we predict the following…".
- coppens_ldow_2013 description "Until now, the SPARQL query language was restricted to simple entailment. Now SPARQL is being extended with more expressive entailment regimes…".
- coppens_models_2013 description "Querying the Linked Open Data cloud as a whole still remains problematic. Prior knowledge is required to federate the queries to the appropriate datasets: each dataset provides its own SPARQL endpoint to query that dataset, and each dataset uses its own vocabulary to describe their information…".
- coppens_mucs_2014 description "In this paper, we provide a novel semantic workflow system, based on semantic functional service descriptions and a rule file that can be scheduled on a grid. The workflow engine follows a three-step process…".
- dastgheib_iswc_demo_2017 description "We present the implementation of the smartAPI ecosystem to facilitate the creation of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) APIs…".
- debackere_consent_2022 description "The Solid project aims to restore end-users’ control over their data by decoupling services and applications from data storage. To realize data governance by the user, the Solid Protocol 0…".
- debrouwer_www_demo_2020 description "In healthcare, the aging of the population is resulting in a gradual shift from residential care to home care, requiring reliable follow-up of elderly people by a whole network of care providers. The environment of these patients is increasingly being equipped with different monitoring devices, which allow to obtain insight into the current condition of patient & environment…".