Matches in Ruben’s data for { ?s <> ?o }
- dedecker_icwe_2021 description "Text-fields that need to look up specific entities in a dataset can be equipped with autocompletion functionality. When a dataset becomes too large to be embedded in the page, setting up a full-text search API is not the only alternative…".
- dedecker_quweda_2022 description "The Solid vision aims to make data independent of applications through technical specifications, which detail how to publish and consume permissioned data across multiple autonomous locations called “pods". The current document-centric interpretation of Solid, wherein a pod is solely a hierarchy of Linked Data documents, cannot fully realize this envisaged independence…".
- delva_icwe_2020 description "One of the guiding principles of open data is that anyone can use the raw data for any purpose. Public transit operators often publish their open data as a single data dump, but developers with limited computational resources may not be able to process all this data…".
- delva_jwe_2021 description "Public transit operators often publish their open data in a data dump, but developers with limited computational resources may not have the means to process all this data efficiently. In our prior work we have shown that geospatially partitioning an operator’s network can improve query times for client-side route planning applications by a factor of 2…".
- delva_sem4tra_2019 description "Users expect route planners that combine all modes of transportation to propose good journeys to their destination. These route planners use data from several sources such as road networks and schedule-based public transit…".
- delva_sem4tra_2020 description "There is an abundance of services and applications that find the most efficient route between two places, but people are not always interested in efficiency; sometimes we just want a pleasant route. Such routes are subjective though, and may depend on contextual factors that route planners are oblivious to…".
- delva_sotm_2019 description "Travelers have higher expectations than current route planning providers can fulfill, yet new solutions struggle to break through. Matching user experience from existing applications is already challenging without the large-scale infrastructure most of them have at their disposal; additionally integrating datasets such as the road network, public transportation schedules, or even real time air quality data is an even more laborious endeavour…".
- demeester_aim_2014 description "Automatic analysis of multimedia resources has become a necessity due to an ever increasing multimedia production. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that integrates multiple web services in an abduction-deduction-induction reasoning cycle…".
- demeester_call_2018 description "Learning analytics can provide adaptive learning and performance support by analyzing user tracking logs. However, data-driven learning is usually confined to a specific context (e…".
- demeester_eswc_2017 description "Mapping languages allow us to define how Linked Data is generated from raw data, but only if the raw data values can be used as is to form the desired Linked Data. Since complex data transformations remain out of scope for mapping languages, these steps are often implemented as custom solutions, or with systems separate from the mapping process…".
- demeester_eswc_demo_2017 description "DBpedia data is largely generated from extracting and parsing the wikitext from the infoboxes of Wikipedia. This generation process is handled by the DBpedia Extraction Framework (DBpedia EF)…".
- demeester_eswc_demo_2019 description "Functions are essential building blocks of any (computer) information system. However, development efforts to implement these functions are fragmented: a function has multiple implementations, each within a specific development context…".
- demeester_eswc_poster_2016 description "Applications built on top of the Semantic Web are emerging as a novel solution in different areas, such as – among others – decision making and route planning. However, to connect results of these solutions – i…".
- demeester_fgcs_2020 description "Functions are essential building blocks of information retrieval and information management. However, efforts implementing these functions are fragmented: one function has multiple implementations, within specific development contexts…".
- demeester_iswc_2015 description "Finding relevant content automatically is still not straightforward due to the unstructured nature of large text corpora. Moreover, traditional techniques to extract structured information out of these corpora are mostly very fine-grained, which deteriorates the needed high-level overview to be able to compare publications…".
- demeester_iswc_demo_2017 description "The DBpedia Extraction Framework, the generation framework behind one of the Linked Open Data cloud’s central hubs, has limitations which lead to quality issues with the DBpedia dataset. Therefore, we provide a new take on its Extraction Framework that allows for a sustainable and general-purpose Linked Data generation framework by adapting a semantic-driven approach…".
- demeester_iswc_poster_2016 description "Data has been made reusable and machine-interpretable by publishing it as Linked Data. However, Linked Data automatic processing is not fully achieved yet, as manual effort is still needed to integrate existing tools and libraries within a certain technology stack…".
- demeester_kgb_2019 description "RDF generation processes are becoming more interoperable, reusable, and maintainable due to the increased usage of mapping languages: languages used to describe how to generate an RDF graph from (semi-)structured data. This leads to a rise of new mapping languages, each with different characteristics…".
- demeester_linked_2015 description "More and more users obtain new knowledge using e-learning systems, and often assess their understanding of this new knowledge using corresponding assessment items. However, the distribution of content items and assessment items in a learning object is tightly bound…".
- demeester_locweb_2015 description "Digital publications can be packaged, distributed, and viewed via the Open Web Platform using the EPUB 3 format. Meanwhile, the increased amount of mobile clients and the advent of HTML5’s Geolocation have opened a whole range of possibilities for digital publications to interact with their readers…".
- demeester_mtap_2016 description "Due to the ubiquitous Web-connectivity and portable multimedia devices, it has never been so easy to produce and distribute new multimedia resources such as videos, photos, and audio. This ever increasing production leads to an information overload for consumers, which calls for efficient multimedia retrieval techniques…".
- demeester_nlpdbpedia_2015 description "Digital publications host a large amount of data that currently is not harvested, due to its unstructured nature. However, manually annotating these publications is tedious…".
- demeester_ordring_2015 description "Ontologies and reasoning algorithms are considered a promising approach to create decision making applications. Rule-based reasoning systems have the advantage that rule sets can be managed and applied separately, which facilitates the custom configuration of those systems…".
- demeester_semsci_2017 description "A large part of scientific output entails computational experiments, e.g…".
- demeester_swj_2021 description "The correct functioning of Semantic Web applications requires that given RDF graphs adhere to an expected shape. This shape depends on the RDF graph and the application’s supported entailments of that graph…".
- demeester_voila_2018 description "Data quality is an important factor for the success of the envisaged Semantic Web. As machines are inherently intolerant at the interpretation of unexpected input, low quality data produces low quality results…".
- demulder_www_demo_2021 description "Data is scattered across service providers, heterogeneously structured in various formats. By lack of interoperability, data portability is hindered, and thus user control is inhibited…".
- denies_annotations_2014 description "In recent years, the concept of machine-interpretable annotations – for example using RDFa – has been gaining support in the Web community. Websites are increasingly adding these annotations to their content, in order to increase their discoverability and visibility to external agents and services…".
- denies_cikm_2015 description "In order to assess the trustworthiness of information on social media, a consumer needs to understand where this information comes from, and which processes were involved in its creation. The entities, agents and activities involved in the creation of a piece of information are referred to as its provenance, which was standardized by W3C PROV…".
- denies_eswc_2016 description "In this paper, we investigate the Normalized Semantic Web Distance (NSWD), a semantics-aware distance measure between two concepts in a knowledge graph. Our measure advances the Normalized Web Distance, a recently established distance between two textual terms, to be more semantically aware…".
- denies_icsc_2016 description "In this paper, we propose and investigate a novel distance-based approach for measuring the semantic dissimilarity between two concepts in a knowledge graph. The proposed Normalized Semantic Web Distance (NSWD) extends the idea of the Normalized Web Distance, which is utilized to determine the dissimilarity between two textural terms, and utilizes additional semantic properties of nodes in a knowledge graph…".
- denies_ipaw_2014 description "Web resources can be linked directly to their provenance, as specified in W3C PROV-AQ. On its own, this solution places all responsibility to the resource’s publisher, who hopefully maintains and publishes provenance information…".
- denies_iswc_2013 description "Data provenance is defined as information about entities, activities and people producing or modifying a piece of data. On the Web, the interchange of standardized provenance of (linked) data is an essential step towards establishing trust…".
- denies_lile_2015 description "A popular way to log learning processes is by using the Experience API (abbreviated as xAPI), also referred to as Tin Can. While Tin Can is great for developers who need to log learning experiences in their applications, it is more challenging for data processors to interconnect and analyze the resulting data…".
- denies_method_2013 description "This paper describes the mechanisms involved in accessing provenance on the Web, according to the new W3C PROV specifications, and how end-users can process this information to make basic trust assessments. Additionally, we illustrate this principle by implementing a practical use case, namely Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of the “Oh, yeah?".
- denies_method_2015 description "Assessing the trustworthiness of a dataset is of crucial importance on the Web of Data and depends on different factors. In the case of Linked Data derived from (semi-)structured data, the trustworthiness of a dataset can be assessed partly through their mappings…".
- denies_noise_2015 description "In this paper, we propose a semantically enabled news exploration method to aid journalists in overcoming the information overload in today’s news streams. To achieve this, our approach semantically tags news articles, calculates their relatedness through their similarity based on these tags, and creates an article graph to be browsed by an end-user…".
- depaepe_eswc_demo_2017 description "In 2015, Flanders Information started the OSLO² project, aimed at easing the exchange of data and increasing the interoperability of Belgian government services. RDF ontologies were developed to break apart the government data silos and stimulate data reuse…".
- depaepe_eswc_pn_2016 description "The European textile and clothing (henceforth T&C) sector is forced to heavily invest in research and development in order to fight against global competition focused on cheap, fast fashion products. Micro businesses or individuals have trouble keeping up to date with these innovations…".
- depaepe_iswc_poster_2016 description "Semantic Web reasoners are powerful tools that allow the extraction of implicit information from RDF data. This information is reachable through the definition of ontologies and/or rules provided to the reasoner…".
- devocht_comsis_2017 description "Recent developments on sharing research results and ideas on the Web, such as research collaboration platforms like Mendeley or ResearchGate, enable novel ways to explore research information. Current search interfaces in this field focus mostly on narrowing down the search scope through faceted search, keyword matching, or filtering…".
- devocht_eswc_challenge_2016 description "Searching for relationships between Linked Data resources is typically interpreted as a pathfinding problem: looking for chains of intermediary nodes (hops) forming the connection or bridge between these resources in a single dataset or across multiple datasets. Linked Open Data, linked datasets available via the web, introduce challenges for pathfinding algorithms…".
- devocht_eswc_poster_2015 description "Algorithmic storytelling over Linked Data on the Web is a challenging task in which many graph-based pathfinding approaches experience issues with consistency regarding the resulting path that leads to a story. In order to mitigate arbitrariness and increase consistency, we propose to improve the semantic relatedness of concepts mentioned in a story by increasing the relevance of links between nodes through additional domain delineation and refinement steps…".
- devocht_hcii_2016 description "Path-based storytelling with Linked Data on the Web provides users the ability to discover concepts in an entertaining and educational way. Given a query context, many state-of-the-art pathfinding approaches aim at telling a story that coincides with the user’s expectations by investigating paths over Linked Data on the Web…".
- devocht_icegov_2016 description "Travelers expect access to tourism information at anytime, anywhere, with any media. Mobile tourism guides, accessible via the Web, provide an omnipresent approach to this…".
- devocht_iesd_2014 description "Semantically annotating and interlinking Open Data results in Linked Open Data which concisely and unambiguously describes a knowledge domain. However, the uptake of the Linked Data depends on its usefulness to non-Semantic Web experts…".
- devocht_iesd_2015 description "Linked Data offers an entity-based infrastructure to resolve indirect relations between resources, expressed as chains of links. If we could benchmark how effective retrieving chains of links from these sources is, we can motivate why they are a reliable addition for exploratory search interfaces…".
- devocht_ijswis_2017 description "When researchers formulate search queries to find relevant content on the Web, those queries typically consist of keywords that can only be matched in the content or its metadata. The Web of Data extends this functionality by bringing structure and giving well-defined meaning to the content and it enables humans and machines to work together using controlled vocabularies…".
- devocht_iswc_2015 description "Making Linked Data queryable on the Web is not an easy task for publishers, for technical and logistical reasons. Can they afford to offer a SPARQL endpoint, or should they offer an API or data dump instead?".
- devocht_ldow_2013 description "We will show that semantically annotated paths lead to discovering meaningful, non-trivial relations and connections between multiple resources in large online datasets such as the Web of Data. Graph algorithms have always been key in pathfinding applications (e…".
- devocht_savesd_2015 description "Social media, web collaboration tools, co-authorship and citation networks are typically not associated. The various ways of interacting with this kind of data for scientific and research purposes remain distinct…".
- devocht_ssc_2014 description "When building reliable data-driven applications for local governments to interact with public servants or citizens, data publishers and consumers have to be sure that the applied data structure and schema definition are accurate and lead to reusable data. To understand the characteristics of reusable local government data, we motivate how the process of developing a semantically enriched exchange standard contributes to resolving this issue…".
- dewitte_sbd_2016 description "Linked Data storage solutions often optimize for low latency querying and quick responsiveness. Meanwhile, in the back-end, offline ETL processes take care of integrating and preparing the data…".
- dewitte_swat4ls_2016 description "There exists an abundance of Linked Data storage solutions, but only few meet the requirements of a production environment with interlinked life sciences data. In such environments, a triple store has to support complex SPARQL queries and handle large datasets with hundreds of millions of triples…".
- dimou_edf_2015 description "Handling Big Data is often hampered by integration challenges, especially when speed, efficiency and accuracy are critical. In Semantic Web, integration is achieved by aligning multiple representations of the same entities, appearing within distributed heterogeneous sources and by annotating data using same vocabularies…".
- dimou_ekaw_2016 description "The process of extracting, structuring, and organizing knowledge from one or multiple data sources and preparing it for the Semantic Web requires a dedicated class of systems. They enable processing large and originally heterogeneous data sources and capturing new knowledge…".
- dimou_eswc_2014 description "Despite the significant number of existing tools, incorporating data into the Linked Open Data cloud remains complicated; hence discouraging data owners to publish their data as Linked Data. Unlocking the semantics of published data, even if they are not provided by the data owners, can contribute to surpass the barriers posed by the low availability of Linked Data and come closer to the realisation of the envisaged Semantic Web…".
- dimou_iesd_2016 description "Linked Data visualizations present a rather static view of entities and their relations, despite the semantically rich data. In contrast to the spatial dimension, which is well-exploited, the temporal dimension is neglected…".
- dimou_iswc_2015a description "RDF dataset quality assessment is currently performed primarily after data is published. However, there is neither a systematic way to incorporate its results into the dataset nor the assessment to the publishing workflow…".
- dimou_iswc_2015b description "RDF dataset quality assessment is currently performed primarily after data is published. Incorporating its results, by applying corresponding adjustments to the dataset, happens manually and occurs rarely…".
- dimou_iswc_demo_2016a description "The root of schema violations for RDF data generated from (semi-)structured data, often derives from mappings, which are repeatedly applied and specify how an RDF dataset is generated. The DBpedia dataset, which derives from Wikipedia infoboxes, is no exception…".
- dimou_iswc_demo_2016b description "Linked Data generation and publication remain challenging and complicated, in particular for data owners who are not Semantic Web experts or tech-savvy. The situation deteriorates when data from multiple heterogeneous sources, accessed via different interfaces, is integrated, and the Linked Data generation is a long-lasting activity repeated periodically, often adjusted and incrementally enriched with new data…".
- dimou_ldow_2014 description "Despite the significant number of existing tools, incorporating data from multiple sources and different formats into the Linked Open Data cloud remains complicated. No mapping formalisation exists to define how to map such heterogeneous sources into RDF in an integrated and interoperable fashion…".
- dimou_ldow_2016 description "Provenance and other metadata are essential for determining ownership and trust. Nevertheless, no systematic approaches were introduced so far in the Linked Data publishing workflow to capture them…".
- dimou_ldow_2018 description "Generating Linked Data remains a complicated and intensive engineering process. While different factors determine how a Linked Data generation algorithm is designed, potential alternatives for each factor are currently not considered when designing the tools’ underlying algorithms…".
- dimou_peerjcs_2017 description "While most challenges organized so far in the Semantic Web domain are focused on comparing tools with respect to different criteria such as their features and competencies, or exploiting semantically enriched data, the Semantic Web Evaluation Challenges series, co-located with the ESWC Semantic Web Conference, aims to compare them based on their output, namely the produced dataset. The Semantic Publishing Challenge is one of these challenges…".
- dimou_savesd_2017 description "Scholarly publishing enhances the meaning of publications by enriching them with metadata. To achieve that, ad-hoc solutions were established so far for generating Linked Data from scholarly data, entailing non-negligible implementation and maintenance costs…".
- dimou_semantics_2015 description "The RDF data model allows the description of domain-level knowledge that is understandable by both humans and machines. RDF data can be derived from different source formats and diverse access points, ranging from databases or files in CSV format to data retrieved from Web APIs in JSON, Web Services in XML or any other speciality formats…".
- dumontier_ismbeccb_2017 description "Data science increasingly employs cloud-based Web application programming interfaces (APIs) stored in different repositories. However, discovering and connecting suitable APIs by sifting through these repositories for a given application, is difficult due to the lack of rich metadata needed to precisely describe the service and lack of explicit knowledge about the structure and datatypes of Web API inputs and outputs…".
- filipowska_semantics_2015 description "This volume contains the proceedings of the Posters and Demos Track at the 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2015). SEMANTiCS is the annual meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, who understand its benefits and encounter its limitations…".
- ghaem_sigarchian_icel_2015 description "In this paper, we empirically investigate to what extent an EPUB 3-based e-TextBook can be used to facilitate a "first-class" mobile learning environment. To that end, we created an EPUB 3-based prototype e-TextBook that has been enhanced in terms of both its presentation and representation, meeting requirements that are typically ascribed by the literature to mobile learning environments…".
- ghaem_sigarchian_icids_2015 description "Nowadays, many people use e-books, having high expectations with respect to their reading experience. In the case of digital storytelling, enhanced e-books can connect story entities and emotions to real-world elements…".
- ghaem_sigarchian_ile_2018 description "An e-TextBook can serve as an Interactive Learning Environment (ILE), facilitating more effective teaching and learning processes. In this paper, we propose the novel concept of an EPUB 3-based Hybrid e-TextBook, which allows for interaction between the digital and the physical world…".
- ghaem_sigarchian_lisc_2014 description "Scientific publications point to many associated resources, including videos, prototypes, slides, and datasets. However, discovering and accessing these resources is not always straightforward: links could be broken, readers may be offline, or the number of associated resources might make it difficult to keep track of the viewing order…".
- grall_eswc_demo_2017 description "Clients of Triple Pattern Fragments (TPF) interfaces demonstrate how a SPARQL query engine can run within a browser and re-balance the load from the server to the clients. Imagine connecting these browsers using a browser-to-browser connection, sharing bandwidth and CPU…".
- haesendonck_sbd_2019 description "To unlock the value of increasingly available data in high volumes, we need flexible ways to integrate data across different sources. While semantic integration can be provided through RDF generation, current generators insufficiently scale in terms of volume…".
- haesendonck_w3cwot_2019 description "The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of many devices and services producing or consuming data over a network, and, by extension, the internet. There are various protocols and data models used by different vendors of things, or middleware, to expose data and APIs to communicate with and consume data of things…".
- hengchen_cas_2016 description "Topic Modelling (TM) has gained momentum over the last few years within the humanities to analyze topics represented in large volumes of full text. This paper proposes an experiment with the usage of TM based on a large subset of digitized archival holdings of the European Commission (EC)…".
- hengchen_docsi_2015 description "Non-structured descriptive metadata provide additional benefits for end-user comprehension. However, their unstructured nature minimize their usefulness in an automated, digital context…".
- heyvaert_ectel_2015 description "Interest in eLearning environments is constantly increasing, as well as in digital textbooks and gamification. The advantages of gamification in the context of education have been proven…".
- heyvaert_elpub_2015 description "Various methods are needed to extract information from current (digital) comics. Furthermore, the use of different (proprietary) formats by comic distribution platforms causes an overhead for authors…".
- heyvaert_eswc_2016 description "Although several tools have been implemented to generate Linked Data from raw data, users still need to be aware of the underlying technologies and Linked Data principles to use them. Mapping languages enable to detach the mapping definitions from the implementation that executes them…".
- heyvaert_eswc_demo_2016 description "Linked Data is in many cases generated from (semi-)structured data. This generation is supported by several tools, a number of which use a mapping language to facilitate the Linked Data generation…".
- heyvaert_eswc_demo_2018 description "Linked Data is often generated based on a set of declarative rules using languages such as R2RML and RML. These languages are built with machine-processability in mind…".
- heyvaert_eswc_poster_2015 description "Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) is a W3C specification to describe datasets published on the Web. However, these catalogs are not easily discoverable based on a user’s needs…".
- heyvaert_iesd_2015 description "Modeling domain knowledge as Linked Data is not straightforward for data publishers, because they are domain experts and not Semantic Web specialists. Most approaches that map data to its RDF representation still require users to have knowledge of the underlying implementations, as the mapping definitions remained, so far, tight to their execution…".
- heyvaert_iswc_2015 description "Obtaining Linked Data by modeling domain-level knowledge derived from input data is not straightforward for data publishers, especially if they are not Semantic Web experts. Developing user interfaces that support domain experts to semantically annotate their data became feasible, as the mapping rules were abstracted from their execution…".
- heyvaert_iswc_demo_2016 description "As the amount of generated sensor data is increasing, semantic interoperability becomes an important aspect in order to support efficient data distribution and communication. Therefore, the integration and fusion of (sensor) data is important, as this data is coming from different data sources and might be in different formats…".
- heyvaert_jist_2016 description "Generating Linked Data based on existing data sources requires the modeling of their information structure. This modeling needs the identification of potential entities, their attributes and the relationships between them and among entities…".
- heyvaert_jws_2018 description "Visual tools are implemented to help users in defining how to generate Linked Data from raw data. This is possible thanks to mapping languages which enable detaching mapping rules from the implementation that executes them…".
- heyvaert_kgswc_2019 description "Knowledge graphs are often generated using rules that apply semantic annotations to data sources. Software tools then execute these rules and generate or virtualize the corresponding RDF-based knowledge graph…".
- heyvaert_ld4ie_2017 description "Linked Data can be generated by applying mapping rules on existing (semi-)structured data. The manual creation of these rules involves a costly process for users…".
- heyvaert_sempub_2015 description "In this paper, we present our solution for the first task of the second edition of the Semantic Publishing Challenge. The task requires extracting and semantically annotating information regarding CEUR-WS workshops, their chairs and conference affiliations, as well as their papers and their authors, from a set of html-encoded workshop proceedings volumes…".
- heyvaert_swj_2019 description "Knowledge graphs, which contain annotated descriptions of entities and their interrelations, are often generated using rules that apply semantic annotations to certain data sources. (Re)using ontology terms without adhering to the axioms defined by their ontologies results in inconsistencies in these graphs, affecting their quality…".
- hitzler_eswc_2019 description "This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Satellite Events of the 16th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2019, held in Portorož, Slovenia, in June 2019. The volume contains 38 poster and demonstration papers, 2 workshop papers, 5 PhD symposium papers, and 3 industry track papers, selected out of a total of 68 submissions…".
- hochstenbach_elag_2015 description "In this talk we’ll explore Catmandu and Linked Data Fragments and how they can cooperate to build an environment for data stream processing at large…".
- hochstenbach_tpdl_2022 description "This paper addresses the growing dissatisfaction with the established scholarly communication system, which is heavily centralised and vertically integrated. In order to provide an alternative, we assume in this paper a decentralized and decoupled network of data and service nodes that want to capture the digital scholarly record, make it accessible, and preserve it over time…".
- hubain_docsi_2016 description "L’usage du traitement automatique des langues pour la classification et l’annotation documentaire reste aujourd’hui un rêve plus qu’une réalité. Pourtant, plus que jamais, les organisations font face à de grandes difficultés dans la gestion de leurs documents…".
- kjernsmo_noise_2015 description "The organisers have asked Kjetil Kjernsmo to prepare an interview around his submission about an epistemological discussion around Semantic Web research. Together with one of the reviewers, Ruben Verborgh, he examined his contribution in this new format with success…".
- knoblock_iswc_2013 description "Museums around the world have built databases with meta-data about millions of objects, their history, the people who created them, and the entities they represent. This data is stored in proprietary databases and is not readily available for use…".