Matches in Ruben’s data for { ?s <> ?o }
- hubain_docsi_2016 title "Classification automatisée : rêve ou réalité ?".
- kjernsmo_noise_2015 title "How can scientific methods provide guidance for Semantic Web Research and Development?".
- knoblock_iswc_2013 title "Publishing Data from the Smithsonian American Art Museum as Linked Open Data".
- koubarakis_iswc_workshops_2020 title "Advances in Semantics and Linked Data: Joint Workshop Proceedings from ISWC 2020".
- kuhn_peerjcs_2016 title "Decentralized provenance-aware publishing with nanopublications".
- lieber_eswc_demo_2018 title "SeGoFlow: A Semantic Governance Workflow Tool".
- lieber_iswc_poster_2020 title "Statistics about Data Shape Use in RDF Data".
- lieber_kcap_2019 title "MontoloStats – Ontology Modeling Statistics".
- lieber_lile_2018 title "Linked Data Generation for Adaptive Learning Analytics Systems".
- lieber_semantics_2020 title "EcoDaLo: Federating Advertisement Targeting with Linked Data".
- lieber_swj_2021 title "Visual Notations for Viewing RDF Constraints with UnSHACLed".
- maayan_jbi_2017 title "Developing a Framework for Digital Objects in the Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Commons: Report from the Commons Framework Pilots Workshop".
- maleshkova_salad_2014 title "Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data".
- maleshkova_salad_2015 title "Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data".
- maleshkova_salad_2016 title "Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data".
- maleshkova_swit_2016 title "Joint Proceedings of the 3rd Stream Reasoning (SR 2016) and the 1st Semantic Web Technologies for the Internet of Things (SWIT 2016) workshops".
- maleshkova_swit_2017 title "Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for the Internet of Things".
- mannens_compsac_2012 title "Automated Trust Estimation in Developing Open News Stories: Combining Memento & Provenance".
- mannens_content_2014 title "Intelligent Multimedia Mind Maps to Support Media Pre-Production".
- mannens_information_2012 title "On the Origin of Metadata".
- maroy_iswc_2017 title "Sustainable Linked Data Generation: The Case of DBpedia".
- martens_jips_2011 title "Lifting a Metadata Model to the Semantic Multimedia World".
- martens_afms_2010 title "Lifting a Metadata Model to the Semantic Multimedia World".
- matteis_iswcdev_2014 title "Hosting Queryable and Highly Available Linked Data for Free".
- mayer_iot_2014 title "Configuration of Smart Environments Made Simple – Combining Visual Modeling with Semantic Metadata and Reasoning".
- mayer_percom_2014 title "User-friendly Configuration of Smart Environments".
- mayer_tase_2016 title "Smart Configuration of Smart Environments".
- ordonez_medellin_2014 title "A topic modeling approach for Web service annotation".
- rietveld_eswc_2015 title "Linked Data-as-a-Service: The Semantic Web Redeployed".
- rizzo_sam_2012 title "What Fresh Media Are You Looking For? Extracting Media Items from Multiple Social Networks".
- rojas_odrs_2018 title "Decentralized Open Data Publishing for the Public Transport Route Planning Ecosystem".
- rojas_africanminds_2020 title "Decentralized Open Data Publishing for the Public Transport Route Planning Ecosystem".
- rojas_eswc_demo_2018 title "Supporting sustainable publishing and consuming of live Linked Time Series Streams".
- rojas_icwe_2020 title "Efficient Live Public Transport Data Sharing for Route Planning on the Web".
- rojas_iswc_2021 title "Leveraging Semantic Web technologies for digital interoperability in the Railway domain".
- rojas_iswc_demo_2017 title "Providing Reliable Access to Real-Time and Historic Public Transport Data Using Linked Connections".
- rojas_sem4tra_2020a title "How to prototype a client-side route planner for Helsinki with Routable Tiles and Linked Connections".
- rojas_sem4tra_2020b title "Velopark: A Linked Open Data Platform for Bicycle Parkings".
- rojas_swj_2022 title "Publishing Planned, Live and Historical Public Transport Data on the Web with the Linked Connections Framework".
- rojas_wsp_2018 title "A preliminary Open Data publishing strategy for real-time data in Flanders".
- saleem_quweda_2017 title "Joint Proceedings of the Second RDF Stream Processing and the Querying the Web of Data Workshops".
- slabbinck_mepdaw_2022 title "Event sourcing in Solid".
- staab_www_2018 title "Structured Knowledge on the Web 7.0".
- steiner_aaai_2015 title "Disaster Monitoring with Wikipedia and Online Social Networking Sites: Structured Data and Linked Data Fragments to the Rescue?!".
- steiner_aim_2013 title "Near-duplicate Photo Deduplication in Event Media Shared on Social Networks".
- steiner_computerjournal_2015 title "Clustering Media Items Stemming from Social Networks".
- steiner_derive_2011 title "Crowdsourcing Event Detection in YouTube Videos".
- steiner_derive_2012 title "Modeling and Reconciling Nightlife Events from Public Event Databases for the Automatic Generation of Magazines".
- steiner_ijcisim_2013 title "Adding Meaning to Social Network Microposts via Multiple Named Entity Disambiguation APIs and Tracking Their Data Provenance".
- steiner_iswc_2012 title "Adding Realtime Coverage to the Google Knowledge Graph".
- steiner_ldow_2014 title "Weaving the Web(VTT) of Data".
- steiner_nwesp_2011 title "Adding Meaning to Facebook Microposts via a Mash-up API and Tracking Its Data Provenance".
- steiner_qomex_2012 title "Defining Aesthetic Principles for Automatic Media Gallery Layout for Visual and Audial Event Summarization Based on Social Networks".
- steiner_sexi_2013 title "Identifying VHS Recording Artifacts in the Age of Online Video Platforms".
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- taelman_cold_2016 title "Multidimensional Interfaces for Selecting Data within Ordinal Ranges".
- taelman_ekaw_2016 title "Exposing RDF Archives using Triple Pattern Fragments".
- taelman_eswc_2016 title "Continuous Client-side Query Evaluation over Dynamic Linked Data".
- taelman_eswc_demo_2017 title "Live Storage and Querying of Versioned Datasets on the Web".
- taelman_eswc_poster_2016 title "Moving Real-Time Linked Data Query Evaluation to the Client".
- taelman_iswc_2018 title "Comunica: a Modular SPARQL Query Engine for the Web".
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- taelman_iswc_demo_2018 title "GraphQL-LD: Linked Data Querying with GraphQL".
- taelman_iswc_journal_2019 title "Reflections On: Triple Storage for Random-Access Versioned Querying of RDF Archives".
- taelman_jws_2019 title "Triple Storage for Random-Access Versioned Querying of RDF Archives".
- taelman_kcap_2017 title "Declaratively Describing Responses of Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs".
- taelman_mepdaw_2016 title "Continuously Updating Query Results over Real-Time Linked Data".
- taelman_mepdaw_2017 title "Versioned Triple Pattern Fragments: A Low-cost Linked Data Interface Feature for Web Archives".
- taelman_mocha_2018 title "Versioned Querying with OSTRICH and Comunica in MOCHA 2018".
- taelman_quweda_2022 title "A Prospective Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities within Link Traversal-Based Query Processing".
- taelman_semantics_2018 title "On the Semantics of TPF-QS towards Publishing and Querying RDF Streams at Web-scale".
- taelman_ssws_2018 title "The Fundamentals of Semantic Versioned Querying".
- taelman_swj_2019 title "Generating Public Transport Data based on Population Distributions for RDF Benchmarking".
- taelman_swj_2021 title "Optimizing Storage of RDF Archives using Bidirectional Delta Chains".
- taelman_swj_2022 title "Components.js: Semantic Dependency Injection".
- taelman_swss_2020 title "Optimizing Approximate Membership Metadata in Triple Pattern Fragments for Clients and Servers".
- taelman_www_demo_2018 title "OSTRICH: Versioned Random-Access Triple Store".
- taelman_www_dev_2018 title "Components.js: A Semantic Dependency Injection Framework".
- taelman_www_poster_2017 title "PoDiGG: A Public Transport RDF Dataset Generator".
- taxidou_dapd_2018 title "Web-scale Provenance Reconstruction of Implicit Information Diffusion on Social Media".
- taxidou_msm_2015 title "Modeling Information Diffusion in Social Media as Provenance with W3C PROV".
- tommasini_iswc_demo_2017 title "Representing Dockerfiles in RDF".
- troncy_limesemdev_2016 title "Proceedings of LIME and ESWC Developers Hackshop".
- vancompernolle_icegov_2016 title "State-of-the-Art Assessment on the Implementations of International Core Data Models for Public Administrations".
- vandersande_ijswis_2016 title "Hypermedia-based Discovery for Source Selection using Low-Cost Linked Data Interfaces".
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- vandersande_iswc_2013 title "Adding Time to Linked Data: A Generic Memento Proxy through PROV".
- vandersande_iswc_2015 title "Opportunistic Linked Data Querying through Approximate Membership Metadata".
- vandersande_jod_2018 title "Toward sustainable publishing and querying of distributed Linked Data archives".
- vandersande_ldow_2013 title "R&Wbase: git for triples".
- vandersande_semantics_2015 title "Updating SPARQL results in real-time with client-side Fragment Patching".
- vandevyvere_eswc_demo_2019 title "Using an existing website as a queryable low-cost LOD publishing interface".
- vandevyvere_icwe_2020 title "Comparing a Polling and Push-Based Approach for Live Open Data Interfaces".
- vandevyvere_mepdaw_2019 title "Open traffic lights: a strategy for publishing and preserving traffic lights data".
- vandevyvere_sem4tra_2019 title "Predicting phase durations of traffic lights using live Open Traffic Lights data".
- vandevyvere_sem4tra_2021 title "Third-party payment specification for MaaS".
- vandewiele_locweb_2017 title "Predicting train occupancies based on query logs and external data sources".
- vanherwegen_eswc_2015 title "Query Execution Optimization for Clients of Triple Pattern Fragments".
- vanherwegen_eswc_demo_2015 title "Interactive Comparison of Triple Pattern Fragments Query Approaches".