Matches in Ruben’s data for { ?s ?p ?o }
- queryable-research-data cites linked_open_numbers.pdf.
- queryable-research-data cites paper3.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority rdfa-lite.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority rdf11-concepts.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority n-triples.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority LinkedData.html.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority decentralization.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority j.websem.2016.03.003.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority 2566486.2568002.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority MS.2015.63.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority 978-3-642-21034-1_11.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority spec.
- queryable-research-data citesAsAuthority 328.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence publication.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence science.352.6285.508.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence HICSS.2005.299.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence 978-3-540-76298-0_58.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence 978-3-319-18818-8_29.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence online-collaboration-scientists-and-the-social-network-1.15711.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence 09.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence 06harnad.html.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence Hartig_LDQueryExec_DBSpektrum2013_Preprint.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence linked_open_numbers.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citesAsEvidence paper3.pdf.
- queryable-research-data refersTo rdfa-lite.
- queryable-research-data refersTo rdf11-concepts.
- queryable-research-data refersTo n-triples.
- queryable-research-data refersTo LinkedData.html.
- queryable-research-data refersTo decentralization.pdf.
- queryable-research-data refersTo publication.
- queryable-research-data refersTo j.websem.2016.03.003.
- queryable-research-data refersTo 2566486.2568002.
- queryable-research-data refersTo science.352.6285.508.
- queryable-research-data refersTo MS.2015.63.
- queryable-research-data refersTo HICSS.2005.299.
- queryable-research-data refersTo 978-3-642-21034-1_11.
- queryable-research-data refersTo 978-3-540-76298-0_58.
- queryable-research-data refersTo 978-3-319-18818-8_29.
- queryable-research-data refersTo spec.
- queryable-research-data refersTo 328.
- queryable-research-data refersTo online-collaboration-scientists-and-the-social-network-1.15711.
- queryable-research-data refersTo 09.pdf.
- queryable-research-data refersTo 06harnad.html.
- queryable-research-data refersTo Hartig_LDQueryExec_DBSpektrum2013_Preprint.pdf.
- queryable-research-data refersTo linked_open_numbers.pdf.
- queryable-research-data refersTo paper3.pdf.
- queryable-research-data related_to ldow2017.
- queryable-research-data related_to calls.
- queryable-research-data reply_of ldow2017.
- queryable-research-data reply_of calls.
- queryable-research-data topic scholarly_data.
- queryable-research-data topic reasoning.
- queryable-research-data topic open_data.
- queryable-research-data topic Triple_Pattern_Fragments.
- queryable-research-data topic SPARQL.
- queryable-research-data topic Research.
- queryable-research-data topic Metadata.
- queryable-research-data topic Linked_Data.
- queryable-research-data topic Decentralization.
- queryable-research-data topic RDF.
- queryable-research-data topic World_Wide_Web.
- queryable-research-data abstract "Publishing research on the Web accompanied by machine-readable data is one of the aims of Linked Research. Merely embedding metadata as RDFa in HTML research articles, however, does not solve the problems of accessing and querying that data. Hence, I created a simple ETL pipeline to extract and enrich Linked Data from my personal website, publishing the result in a queryable way through Triple Pattern Fragments. The pipeline is open source, uses existing ontologies, and can be adapted to other websites. In this article, I discuss this pipeline, the resulting data, and its possibilities for query evaluation on the Web. More than 35,000 RDF triples of my data are queryable, even with federated SPARQL queries because of links to external datasets. This proves that researchers do not need to depend on centralized repositories for readily accessible (meta-)data, but instead can—and should—take matters into their own hands.".
- queryable-research-data alternativeHeadline "Self-publishing queryable research data on the Web".
- queryable-research-data citation rdfa-lite.
- queryable-research-data citation rdf11-concepts.
- queryable-research-data citation n-triples.
- queryable-research-data citation LinkedData.html.
- queryable-research-data citation decentralization.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citation publication.
- queryable-research-data citation j.websem.2016.03.003.
- queryable-research-data citation 2566486.2568002.
- queryable-research-data citation science.352.6285.508.
- queryable-research-data citation MS.2015.63.
- queryable-research-data citation HICSS.2005.299.
- queryable-research-data citation 978-3-642-21034-1_11.
- queryable-research-data citation 978-3-540-76298-0_58.
- queryable-research-data citation 978-3-319-18818-8_29.
- queryable-research-data citation spec.
- queryable-research-data citation 328.
- queryable-research-data citation online-collaboration-scientists-and-the-social-network-1.15711.
- queryable-research-data citation 09.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citation 06harnad.html.
- queryable-research-data citation Hartig_LDQueryExec_DBSpektrum2013_Preprint.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citation linked_open_numbers.pdf.
- queryable-research-data citation paper3.pdf.
- queryable-research-data datePublished "2017-01-20T09:00:00+01:00".
- queryable-research-data datePublished "2017".
- queryable-research-data description "Publishing research on the Web accompanied by machine-readable data is one of the aims of Linked Research. Merely embedding metadata as RDFa in HTML research articles, however, does not solve the problems of accessing and querying that data. Hence, I created a simple ETL pipeline to extract and enrich Linked Data from my personal website, publishing the result in a queryable way through Triple Pattern Fragments. The pipeline is open source, uses existing ontologies, and can be adapted to other websites. In this article, I discuss this pipeline, the resulting data, and its possibilities for query evaluation on the Web. More than 35,000 RDF triples of my data are queryable, even with federated SPARQL queries because of links to external datasets. This proves that researchers do not need to depend on centralized repositories for readily accessible (meta-)data, but instead can—and should—take matters into their own hands.".
- queryable-research-data mainEntityOfPage verborgh_ldow_2017.
- queryable-research-data sameAs queryable-research-data.
- queryable-research-data isPrimaryTopicOf verborgh_ldow_2017.
- queryable-research-data page verborgh_ldow_2017.
- queryable-research-data twitter:card "summary".
- queryable-research-data twitter:creator "@RubenVerborgh".
- queryable-research-data twitter:site "@RubenVerborgh".
- queryable-research-data number "1809".
- queryable-research-data volume "1809".
- queryable-research-data locator "1809".
- queryable-research-data volume "1809".
- queryable-research-data position "1809".