Matches in Ruben’s data for { ?s <> ?o }
- debackere_consent_2022 title "A Policy-Oriented Architecture for Enforcing Consent in Solid".
- debrouwer_www_demo_2020 title "Distributed Continuous Home Care Provisioning through Personalized Monitoring & Treatment Planning".
- dedecker_icwe_2021 title "A File-Based Linked Data Fragments Approach to Prefix Search".
- dedecker_quweda_2022 title "What’s in a Pod? – A knowledge graph interpretation for the Solid ecosystem".
- delva_icwe_2020 title "Geospatial Partitioning of Open Transit Data".
- delva_jwe_2021 title "Geospatially Partitioning Public Transit Networks for Open Data Publishing".
- delva_sem4tra_2019 title "Decentralized Publication and Consumption of Transfer Footpaths".
- delva_sem4tra_2020 title "Using Regions of Interest for Personalized Route Planning".
- delva_sotm_2019 title "Client-side route planning: preprocessing the OpenStreetMap road network for Routable Tiles".
- demeester_aim_2014 title "Improving multimedia analysis through semantic integration of services".
- demeester_call_2018 title "Interoperable User Tracking Logs using Linked Data for improved Learning Analytics".
- demeester_eswc_2017 title "Declarative Data Transformations for Linked Data Generation: The Case of DBpedia".
- demeester_eswc_demo_2017 title "RML and FnO: Shaping DBpedia Declaratively".
- demeester_eswc_demo_2019 title "The Function Hub: an implementation-independent read/write function description repository".
- demeester_eswc_poster_2016 title "An Ontology to Semantically Declare and Describe Functions".
- demeester_fgcs_2020 title "Implementation-independent Function Reuse".
- demeester_iswc_2015 title "StoryBlink: a Semantic Web Approach for Linking Stories".
- demeester_iswc_demo_2017 title "A Vocabulary-Independent Generation Framework for DBpedia and beyond".
- demeester_iswc_poster_2016 title "Discovering and Using Functions via Content Negotiation".
- demeester_kgb_2019 title "Mapping languages: analysis of comparative characteristics".
- demeester_linked_2015 title "SERIF: A Semantic ExeRcise Interchange Format".
- demeester_locweb_2015 title "Reconnecting Digital Publications to the Web using their Spatial Information".
- demeester_mtap_2016 title "Towards Robust and Reliable Multimedia Analysis through Semantic Integration of Services".
- demeester_nlpdbpedia_2015 title "Exposing Digital Content as Linked Data, and Linking them using StoryBlink".
- demeester_ordring_2015 title "Event-Driven Rule-Based Reasoning using EYE".
- demeester_semsci_2017 title "Detailed Provenance Capture of Data Processing".
- demeester_swj_2021 title "RDF Graph Validation Using Rule-Based Reasoning".
- demeester_voila_2018 title "Towards a Uniform User Interface for Editing Data Shapes".
- demulder_www_demo_2021 title "PROV4ITDaTa: Transparent and direct transfer of personal data to personal stores".
- denies_annotations_2014 title "Towards Decentralized Annotations in Digital Books and on the Web".
- denies_cikm_2015 title "Towards Multi-level Provenance Reconstruction of Information Diffusion on Social Media".
- denies_eswc_2016 title "Normalized Semantic Web Distance".
- denies_icsc_2016 title "Distance-based Approach for Semantic Dissimilarity in Knowledge Graphs".
- denies_ipaw_2014 title "A Lightweight Provenance Pingback and Query Service for Web Publications".
- denies_iswc_2013 title "Git2PROV: Exposing Version Control System Content as W3C PROV".
- denies_lile_2015 title "TinCan2PROV: Exposing Interoperable Provenance of Learning Processes through Experience API Logs".
- denies_method_2013 title "Easy Access to Provenance: an Essential Step towards Trust on the Web".
- denies_method_2015 title "Enabling Dataset Trustworthiness by Exposing the Provenance of Mapping Quality Assessment and Refinement".
- denies_noise_2015 title "Named-Entity-based Linking and Exploration of News using an Adapted Jaccard Metric".
- depaepe_eswc_demo_2017 title "Automated UML-Based Ontology Generation in OSLO²".
- depaepe_eswc_pn_2016 title "Textile and Clothing Business Labs".
- depaepe_iswc_poster_2016 title "Rule-Based Reasoning using State Space Search".
- devocht_comsis_2017 title "ResXplorer: Revealing Relations between Resources for Researchers in the Web of Data".
- devocht_eswc_challenge_2016 title "Using Triple Pattern Fragments To Enable Streaming of Top-k Shortest Paths via the Web".
- devocht_eswc_poster_2015 title "Improving Semantic Relatedness in Paths for Storytelling with Linked Data on the Web".
- devocht_hcii_2016 title "Effect of Heuristics on Serendipity in Path-based Storytelling with Linked Data".
- devocht_icegov_2016 title "Providing Interchangeable Open Data to Accelerate Development of Sustainable Regional Mobile Tourist Guides".
- devocht_iesd_2014 title "A Visual Exploration Workflow as Enabler for the Exploitation of Linked Open Data".
- devocht_iesd_2015 title "Benchmarking the Effectiveness of Associating Chains of Links for Exploratory Semantic Search".
- devocht_ijswis_2017 title "Social Semantic Search: A Case Study on Web 2.0 for Science".
- devocht_iswc_2015 title "The Highway to Queryable Linked Data: Self-Describing Web APIs with Varying Features".
- devocht_ldow_2013 title "Discovering Meaningful Connections between Resources in the Web of Data".
- devocht_savesd_2015 title "Visualizing Collaborations and Online Social Interactions at Scientific Conferences for Scholarly Networking".
- devocht_ssc_2014 title "Converging on Semantics to Ensure Local Government Data Reuse".
- dewitte_sbd_2016 title "Big Linked Data ETL Benchmark on Cloud Commodity Hardware".
- dewitte_swat4ls_2016 title "Scaling out federated queries for life science data in production".
- dimou_edf_2015 title "Data Integration based on Uniform Mapping Definitions to RDF".
- dimou_ekaw_2016 title "Modeling, Generating, and Publishing Knowledge as Linked Data".
- dimou_eswc_2014 title "Extraction and Semantic Annotation of Workshop Proceedings in HTML using RML".
- dimou_iesd_2016 title "Visualizing Research Networks’ Evolution over Time".
- dimou_iswc_2015a title "Assessing and Refining Mappings to RDF to Improve Dataset Quality".
- dimou_iswc_2015b title "Test-driven Assessment of [R2]RML Mappings to Improve Dataset Quality".
- dimou_iswc_demo_2016a title "DBpedia Mappings Quality Assessment".
- dimou_iswc_demo_2016b title "Towards an Interface for User-Friendly Linked Data Generation Administration".
- dimou_ldow_2014 title "RML: A Generic Language for Integrated RDF Mappings of Heterogeneous Data".
- dimou_ldow_2016 title "Automated Metadata Generation for Linked Data Generation and Publishing Workflows".
- dimou_ldow_2018 title "What Factors Influence the Design of a Linked Data Generation Algorithm? ".
- dimou_peerjcs_2017 title "Challenges as Enablers for High Quality Linked Data: Insights from the Semantic Publishing Challenge".
- dimou_savesd_2017 title "iLastic: Linked Data Generation Workflow and User Interface for iMinds Scholarly Data".
- dimou_semantics_2015 title "Machine-Interpretable Dataset and Service Descriptions for Heterogeneous Data Access and Retrieval".
- zaveri_eswc_2017 title "smartAPI: Towards a More Intelligent Network of Web APIs".
- dumontier_ismbeccb_2017 title "smartAPI: Towards a More Intelligent Network of Web APIs".
- filipowska_semantics_2015 title "Joint Proceedings of the Posters and Demos Track of 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems".
- ghaem_sigarchian_icel_2015 title "Towards Making EPUB 3-Based e-TextBooks a First-Class Mobile Learning Environment".
- ghaem_sigarchian_icids_2015 title "Hybrid Books for Interactive Digital Storytelling: Connecting Story Entities and Emotions to Smart Environments".
- ghaem_sigarchian_ile_2018 title "Hybrid e-TextBooks as comprehensive interactive learning environments".
- ghaem_sigarchian_lisc_2014 title "EPUB3 for Integrated and Customizable Representation of a Scientific Publication and its Associated Resources".
- grall_eswc_demo_2017 title "Ladda: SPARQL Queries in the Fog of Browsers".
- haesendonck_sbd_2019 title "Parallel RDF generation from heterogeneous big data".
- haesendonck_w3cwot_2019 title "Linked Data in the Web of Things".
- hengchen_cas_2016 title "Exploring archives with probabilistic models: Topic Modelling for the valorisation of digitised archives of the European Commission".
- hengchen_docsi_2015 title "L’extraction d’entités nommées : une opportunité pour le secteur culturel ?".
- heyvaert_ectel_2015 title "Linked Data-enabled Gamification in EPUB 3 for Educational Digital Textbooks".
- heyvaert_elpub_2015 title "Using EPUB 3 and the Open Web Platform for Enhanced Presentation and Machine-Understandable Metadata for Digital Comics".
- heyvaert_eswc_2016 title "RMLEditor: A Graph-based Mapping Editor for Linked Data Mappings".
- heyvaert_eswc_demo_2016 title "Graph-Based Editing of Linked Data Mappings using the RMLEditor".
- heyvaert_eswc_demo_2018 title "Declarative Rules for Linked Data Generation at your Fingertips!".
- heyvaert_eswc_poster_2015 title "Merging and Enriching DCAT Feeds to Improve Discoverability of Datasets".
- heyvaert_iesd_2015 title "Towards a Uniform User Interface for Editing Mapping Definitions".
- heyvaert_iswc_2015 title "Towards Approaches for Generating RDF Mapping Definitions".
- heyvaert_iswc_demo_2016 title "Linked Sensor Data Generation using Queryable RML Mappings".
- heyvaert_jist_2016 title "Data Analysis of Hierarchical Data for RDF Term Identification".
- heyvaert_jws_2018 title "Specification and Implementation of Mapping Rule Visualization and Editing: MapVOWL and the RMLEditor".
- heyvaert_kgswc_2019 title "Conformance Test Cases for the RDF Mapping Language (RML)".
- heyvaert_ld4ie_2017 title "Semi-Automatic Example-Driven Linked Data Mapping Creation".
- heyvaert_sempub_2015 title "Semantically Annotating CEUR-WS Workshop Proceedings with RML".
- heyvaert_swj_2019 title "Rule-driven inconsistency resolution for knowledge graph generation".
- hitzler_eswc_2019 title "The Semantic Web: ESWC 2019 Satellite Events".
- hochstenbach_elag_2015 title "Scaling data streams with Catmandu and Linked Data Fragments".
- hochstenbach_tpdl_2022 title "Event Notifications in Value-Adding Networks".